Jun 21, 2010

Scholarship in Wireless Multimedia Communications , UnitedKingdom

Fully Funded Scholarship in Wireless Multimedia Communications
Kingston University – Mobile Information and Network Technologies Research Centre (MINT)

An Industrial Scholarship offers a £16,000 per annum stipend (for a maximum of three years for a PhD degree). In addition, tuition fees will be covered as well as funding for equipment, conference trips and training. (An overseas candidate may be required to meet the difference between EU and Overseas tuition fees.)

Candidates must hold at least a UK upper second class honours degree, or its equivalent, in Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, Electronic Engineering or any relevant discipline, and programming experience, preferably in C++ and/or Matlab. Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact Dr. Maria Martini at the earliest opportunity to check eligibility requirements and discuss the research programme. Where appropriate, interviews will be conducted at the soonest mutually convenient date.

How to efficiently serve multimedia streaming sessions over a multiple access wireless channel with shared communications resources is still a critical problem in wireless video transmission.

The problem can be tackled at different layers of the protocol stack and cross-layer design solutions should be investigated in order to optimize the global system. A possible approach for video rate adaptation is layered video coding, also called scalable video coding. This method provides a base layer coded at a lower rate and one or more enhancement layers. The base layer can be decoded independently, and enhancement layers can only be decoded if the base layer is decoded successfully. Rate adaptation is achieved in this case by changing the number of enhancement layers transmitted.
Such a cross-layer approach will allow a better utilization of the resources in a situation where many users have to be served with a required QoS. Application to LTE systems will be addressed.
By also exploiting scalable video coding, the project will aim at a quality-driven content-aware scheme for multimedia transmission to multiple users, by considering content-aware MAC layer resource allocation and scheduling. The possibility to also control application layer parameters according to multi-layer information for downlink video transmission to multiple users will be considered.
You are encouraged to discuss this project with Dr M.G. Martini, the Director of Studies before applying. Please return the completed Postgraduate Application Form together with an academic CV, TWO references, academic certificates and any other documentation to:

Research Admissions
Faculty of Computing, Information Systems and Mathematics
Sopwith Building, Penrhyn Road
Kingston upon Thames
Surrey KT1 2EE, UK

or telephone +44 (0) 20417 2697

“Quality-driven resource allocation and scheduling for multimedia transmission to multiple users over LTE wireless systems”, PhD

Stipend: £16,000pa
Closing Date: 24 June 2010
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