Apr 8, 2010

Scholarship in banking

 After the first successful, should be version 7, involving more than 150 participants from Italy and Eastern Europe ", 8 master entrepreneurs version of the new European Bank and the" October 13, 2010.

 One-year master's degree, including 3-month internship, a bank UniCredit Bank is one sort of work is training.  The aim is to make graduates and young professionals to gain knowledge in specific European banking system and the multiple relationships and entrepreneurial spirit and the world of finance.

 The course took place in Conegliano in the (television), the monastery's property within the high-advance economy, a place for the couple to the United States and Conegliano, a pleasant person to live in peace and - opportunities and Scale ring crystal quiet town events, and at the same time, immersed in the core business as part of Italy, which on behalf of the European model.

 The deadline for local competition: June 30, 2010 8, master version, all the necessary

at ASFOR The Italian Association for Management
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