Nov 14, 2010

Germany Practical Traineeships For Worldwide Students

Practical Trainee-ships and Study,  Country-specific information, dates and deadlines, application address and advice:
    * Precise information on when to submit applications is available from the National IAESTE Committee of the applicant's home country.
    * Students of the stated subjects interested in a training placement in Germany should address the National IAESTE Committee in their home country. Addresses of the National IAESTE Committees and further information are available via Internet

Usually, traineeships are two to three months in duration with various firms, institutions of higher education and research institutes. In individual cases, traineeships of extended duration can be arranged.

Practical training placements for students of the above mentioned subjects are arranged by the International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience (IAESTE). Placements are, however, only available to countries with a National IAESTE Committee. Within the DAAD, unit 514 is the German National IAESTE Committee.


    * Specific information on conditions of eligibility is available from the National IAESTE Committee of the member country concerned.
    * Language Proficiency: Requirements regarding language proficiency of German differ greatly. Some companies require that international interns or trainees have good German language skills, while others only require a basic knowledge of German, as long as the intern or trainee also has good English language skills. In many cases a good knowledge of English is sufficient.
    * Training placements recruited in Germany are offered exclusively by the responsible National IAESTE Committee abroad, which in turn arranges placements for German university students. Apart from those offered via this route, the IAESTE programme has no other internship places available for individual applicants.

Trainees are usually paid 650,-- euros per month; the DAAD, however, is not able to grant additional funds to cover travel costs.

Please note for all scholarship programmes: Scholarship announcements contain general information on the programme in question. Application conditions specifically for candidates from your country (Philippines) as well as information on the application process can be found, where applicable, at "Country Specific Information" at :
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