Fellowship of Medical Library Association for Undergraduate Degree and a Master’s Level Degree Student, USA
Application deadline: 1 December2010
• The applicant must have both an undergraduate degree and a master’s level library degree. The latter requirement may be waived. (Transcripts or a copy of your diploma and grades for courses taken at both the undergraduate and graduate levels should be sent at the same time as the application.)
• The applicant must be working or preparing to work in a health science library in his or her own country.
• The candidate must be a citizen or permanent resident of a country other than the United States or Canada.
• Past recipients of the Cunningham fellowship are ineligible.
Application deadline: 1 December2010
• The applicant must have both an undergraduate degree and a master’s level library degree. The latter requirement may be waived. (Transcripts or a copy of your diploma and grades for courses taken at both the undergraduate and graduate levels should be sent at the same time as the application.)
• The applicant must be working or preparing to work in a health science library in his or her own country.
• The candidate must be a citizen or permanent resident of a country other than the United States or Canada.
• Past recipients of the Cunningham fellowship are ineligible.
The purpose of the Cunningham fellowship is to assist in the education and training of health science librarians from countries outside the United States and Canada. The MLA Cunningham Memorial International Fellowships were established in 1967 with a bequest from the estate of Eileen R. Cunningham. The first fellowship was awarded in 1972 at the annual meeting in San Diego, CA. Since 1972, more than 34 fellows from around the globe have participated in Cunningham fellowships. This program continues to train and motivate international librarians with the latest advances in the health information profession.
further fellowship information and application : http://www.mlanet.org/pdf/grants/cunningham_fact_20080625.pdf