Jul 13, 2010

Studentship in Physics, University of Kent, United Kingdom

Studentship in Physics, University of Kent, UK -The PhD project concerns novel ways to characterize disorder in complex structures. The PhD project combines condensed matter approaches with advanced methods from the theory of complex systems. The aim is to overcome classical approaches for structural characterization that are shortcoming in distinguishing between randomness and complex forms of structural organization.
The departmental studentships will cover tuition fees at the Home/EU rate plus a maintenance grant. The maintenance grant will vary in amount, but may be up to a maximum which is equivalent to the Research Councils.

The outcomes of this project have direct applications to the study of new advanced materials where organized disorder is one of the key ingredients for boosting the performances of future materials. Broader applications also concern other fields where structural complexity plays a major role; these include biological systems and financial markets.

Please send any informal enquiries to Dr. Aste by emailing: T.Aste@kent.ac.uk

Further information about the departmental studentships:

The studentships are available starting 27th September 2010 and will be offered for one year in the first instance, renewable for a maximum of three years subject to satisfactory academic performance.

To be considered for a studentship, candidates must make a formal application for postgraduate research at the University of Kent. This can be completed online at: http://records.kent.ac.uk/external/admissions/pgapplication.php 
The closing date for University Studentship applications is 31st July 2010.
Candidates must hold a good Honours degree (First or 2i) or a Master’s degree in a relevant subject or equivalent. To be entitled for the studentships they must hold an European citizenship.
Candidates will also be required to submit the following to Sharon Humm, email: S.Humm@kent.ac.uk

- A covering letter

-Two academic references

-A transcript of degree results to date

-A full CV
this scholarship was provided by University of Kent, UK.

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