Aug 31, 2010

Fellowships for Developing Country Students 2011

Faculty for the Future grants are in the range of USD 25,000 to 50,000 per year and may be renewed through to completion of studies subject to performance, self-evaluation, and recommendations from supervisors. Final grant amounts are agreed with award recipients subject to actual costs of study and living in the given location.

Developing and emerging economies to pursue PhD or post-doctoral studies in the physical sciences and related disciplines at top universities abroad. The Faculty for the Future program grows each year and has become a powerful community that today stands at 142 pioneering women scientists from 43 countries.

Candidates should have applied to, have been admitted to, or be currently enrolled in a university abroad when submitting their Faculty for the Future grant request. Candidates must be able to evidence their commitment to teaching, must demonstrate active participation in faculty life and outreach to encourage young women into the sciences and hold an excellent academic record.
Further information and application:

Ultimately these women return home to become leaders, to strengthen their faculties, contribute to the socio-economic development of their countries and serve as powerful role models to attract more young women into the sciences.

Aug 29, 2010

Scholarship for International Students in Engineering , UK

Energy is a major provider of front end and specialist consultancy services to the Oil & Gas industry in Europe, the Asia Pacific Region and the Middle East.

The scholarship is open to full time students commencing third year of any of the undergraduate degree programmes listed below in September 2010:

* MEng Chemical Engineering (H810)
* MEng Mechanical and Electrical Engineering with Energy Studies (H3H2)
* MEng Mechanical Engineering with Control (H3HP)

The scholarship is valued at £2,000 per annum and will be awarded to the successful applicant for the rest of their undergraduate degree programme.

The successful applicant will receive £2,000 per annum for each of years 3, 4 and 5 of their undergraduate degree programme (i.e. £6,000 over 3 years).
The scholarship will be subject to the scholarship recipient successfully completing each year of their degree to the satisfaction of the School of Engineering. The scholarship will lapse if the scholar ceases to study an eligible degree programme or leaves the University of Aberdeen. Where a scholarship recipient is required to repeat a year because they failed to reach the required academic requirements, payment will not be made for the repeat year and resumption of the scholarship will be based on individual circumstances and will be at the discretion of the Head of School of Engineering. The scholarship can only be held by students of the University – they cannot be transferred to another institution.

You should note that the scholarship is open to all students commencing the third year of any of the eligible degree programmes listed above in September 2010, regardless of nationality, where they are domiciled, or fee structure to which they belong to.

In addition to the financial support detailed above, the P?yry Scholarship offers:

* A guaranteed interview for paid summer work placements

The Scholarship will be awarded on the basis of academic merit and personal characteristics. Academic merit will be judged on first and second year academic performance. In respect of personal characteristics, applicants should be able to show, through submission of a personal statement (section 5 of the application form), that they:

* Have a keen interest in the oil and gas industry
* Are enthusiastic, ambitious, highly motivated and determined to succeed academically and professionally
* Take a pro-active approach and have a strong commitment to self-development
* Possess good communication and interpersonal skills.
The College of Physical Sciences Scholarship Committee, comprising the Head of School of Engineering, nominated course leaders, and a representative of the Development Trust, will consider the applications, shortlist the candidates and make the awards. In making the decision, the selection panel will take into account your educational background and achievements, other relevant information given in your application form, personal statement, and the statement from your referee.
application is available at :
The University will award the scholarship to applicants who have good academic potential, and who are likely to be successful in their chosen degree course.

Aug 27, 2010

Germany, Master and PhD of Neuroscience

The University of Tuebingen, Germany- Masters, PhD Scholarships for International Students in Graduate Training Centre of Neuroscience at the University of Tuebingen, Germany. The Graduate Training Centre of Neuroscience is the first international neuroscience Graduate School was established at the University of Tübingen in 1999. In the future, three Schools will provide research oriented career tracks – leading to a master or doctoral degree – that provide an ideal preparation for a career in science and academia. The three graduate programs will complement one another at best and, thus, provide a markedly broad sprectrum of neuroscience
research and training opportunities in Tübingen. Teaching is entirely in English.

The program is scheduled to start in winter term 2011/12 (the application
deadline will be January 15, 2011).

Graduate Training Centre of Neuroscience
International Max Planck Research School
University of Tübingen
Österbergstr. 3
72074 Tübingen – Germany
More details revealed:

• Entry requirements: BSc for master program; MSc, Diploma or MD for doctoral program.
• Application deadlines: January 15 for master program. Doctoral students may apply throughout the year.
• The selection procedure for a place on the master program is three stepped: (1) written application, (2) subject test, (3) interview. Students interested in a doctoral project may contact research groups of their interest directly.
• Scholarships are available for excellent international students. Doctoral students are generally funded through research grants.
• Tuition fees for master students amount to 610 Euros per month. Doctoral students are exempted.

Aug 25, 2010

USA Shcolarships for international students 2011

Please send the following material to Mary Ahl, Society for the Humanities, A. D. White House (note especially item 5).
The names of three referees willing to supply confidential statements. One of the referees should be a colleague at Cornell; the other two, scholars at other institutions. Please inform your referees of our focal theme, your proposed plans for teaching and research, and ask them to forward their letters by October 31st.
  Short description of the seminars you propose to offer, suitable for the University Course Catalogue.
 Curriculum vitae
No more than three of your articles
 A brief statement concerning the research you expect to undertake during the tenure of your fellowship and how it relates to the theme for 2011/2012.

Four full year Faculty Fellowships are awarded to Cornell faculty each year by our Board of External Advisors. Fellows’ appointments are subject to the consent of their department chair and the approval of the Dean. Tradition has restricted fellowships to professors in humanities departments of the College of Arts and Sciences, though faculty members holding regular appointments elsewhere in the university are welcome to apply if their work is closely related to the year’s theme and if their Dean is willing to provide their salary during their appointment at the Society.
 More details available:
Faculty Fellows receive leaves of absence from their departments, but not from Cornell; the College of Arts and Sciences has been allowing the time spent as a Faculty Fellow to count in computing regular sabbatic leave. A Faculty Fellow is paid the salary he or she would have received from his or her department, plus Cornell’s contribution to fringe benefits. (Where necessary, departments negotiate with the Dean for funds to help provide replacement teaching.) Office space and clerical assistance in matters related to the Fellow’s research are provided in the Andrew D. White Center for the Humanities.

Aug 23, 2010

United Kingdom Research Scholarships for international students

United Kingdom Research Scholarships - Middlesex University is renowned for offering unrivalled support to International students and gives out scholarships and merit awards to International students totaling around £1,000,000 each year.

the Alumni bursary is available to all students who completed their first degree at Middle sex and have an offer for a further programme (Note: some programmes are excluded). The bursary provides recipients a 10 per cent reduction in course tuition fees and must be claimed prior to each year of study. There is no application process for the Alumni Bursary and eligibility will be verified at enrollment.
Middlesex University has a fixed number of International Merit Awards available to all potential postgraduate international students. Awards will be given on a case-by-case basis and successful candidates will have the award amount deducted from their tuition fees when they enroll. Students can apply for these awards through their Regional Office or the International Admissions Office in London. You must apply and receive confirmation of an International Merit Award before the commencement of your studies.

This scholarship is available to all students who are working towards completing or have acheived their first degree at Middlesex University with First Class Honours, including from study at a partner college. Applicants must go on to enrol upon a course of Postgraduate study within three years of graduating.

The Academic Alumni Scholarship is awarded on academic merit. It was established to recognise excellent academic achievement and to encourage and assist academically able students to progress to postgraduate study. The scholarship provides recipients a 20 per cent reduction in course tuition fees for every year of academic study.

application is available at:
The Academic Alumni Scholarship and the Alumni bursary cannot be held in conjunction with any other Middlesex Award or Scholarship. Current Middlesex postgraduate research students who meet the criteria are also eligible to apply. An Alumni Award cash reward may also be considered for postgraduate students who have course funding from other scholarships external to the University at the discretion of the Scholarship Committee.

Aug 20, 2010

International medical Scholarships 2012, USA

 scholarship requirements :
    * Applicants must submit their applications from their intended permanent location. Applications will be accepted for processing only when the applicants have been in surgical practice, teaching, or research for a minimum of one year at their intended permanent location, following completion of all formal training (including fellowships and scholarships).
    * Applicants must have demonstrated a commitment to teaching and/or research in accordance with the standards of the applicant’s country.
    * Applicants whose careers are in the developing stage are deemed more suitable than those who are serving in senior academic appointments.
    * Applicants must submit a fully completed application form provided by the College on its website. The application and accompanying materials must be typewritten and in English. Submission of a curriculum vitae only is not acceptable.
    * Applicants must provide a list of all of their publications and must submit, in addition, three complete publications (reprints or manuscripts) of their choice from that list.
    * Applicants must submit letters of recommendation from three of their colleagues. One letter must be from the chair of the department in which they hold academic appointment, or a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons residing in their country. The chair’s or the Fellow’s letter is to include a specific statement detailing the nature and extent of the teaching and other academic involvement of the applicant. Letters of recommendation should be submitted in envelopes sealed by the recommenders.
    * Applicants are required to submit a curriculum vitae of no more than 10 pages.
    * Applicants may submit a photograph. (Passport size is preferable.)
    * The International Guest Scholarships must be used in the year for which they are designated. They cannot be postponed.
    * Applicants who are awarded scholarships are expected to provide a full written report of the experiences provided through the scholarships upon completion of their tours.
    * An unsuccessful applicant may reapply only twice and only by completing and submitting a current application form provided by the College, together with new supporting documentation.
    * Applicants must be graduates of schools of medicine.
  * Applicants must be at least 35 years old, but under 45, on the date that the completed application is filed.

International Liaison Section
American College of Surgeons
633 N. Saint Clair St.
Chicago, IL 60611-3211
Fax: 312-202-5021
The American College of Surgeons offers International Guest Scholarships to competent young surgeons from countries other than the United States or Canada who have demonstrated strong interests in teaching and research. 

The scholarships, in the amount of $8,000 each, provide the Scholars with an opportunity to visit clinical, teaching, and research activities in North America and to attend and participate fully in the educational opportunities and activities of the American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress.

This scholarship endowment was originally provided through the legacy left to the College by Dr. Paul R. Hawley (FACS Hon), former College Director. More recently, gifts from the families of Dr. Abdol Islami (FACS) and Baxiram S. and Kankuben B. Gelot, the Stavros Niarchos Foundation, and others to the International Guest Scholarship endowment have enabled the College to expand the number of scholarship awards.

The scholarships provide successful applicants with the privilege of participating in the College’s annual Clinical Congress in October, with public recognition of their presence. They will receive gratis admission to selected postgraduate courses plus admission to all lectures, demonstrations, and exhibits, which are an integral part of the Clinical Congress. Assistance will be provided in arranging visits, following the Clinical Congress, to various clinics and universities of their choice.

the official scholarship website:

Completed applications for the International Guest Scholarships for the year 2012 and all of the supporting documentation must be received at the office of the International Liaison Section prior to July 1, 2011, in order for an applicant to receive consideration by the selection committee. All applicants will be notified of the selection committee’s decision in November 2011. Applicants are urged to submit their completed applications and supporting documents as early as possible in order to provide sufficient time for processing.

Aug 18, 2010

Australia, Human Rights Scholarship 2010

The Human Rights Scholarship is awarded to applicants wishing to undertake graduate research studies at the University in the human rights field and who are able to demonstrate their commitment to the peaceful advancement of respect for human rights.


Each year the University of Melbourne offers 2 HRSs to applicants wishing to undertake a graduate research degree at the University of Melbourne.

Benefits & conditions

Human Rights Scholarship benefits include:

* a living allowance of $26,000 per annum (2010 rate)
* a Relocation Grant of $2,000 awarded to students who are moving from interstate in order to study at the University of Melbourne or $3,000 awarded to those who are moving from overseas
* a Thesis Allowance of up to $420 (2010 rate) for masters by research and up to $840 (2010 rate) for PhD and other doctorate by research candidates, and
* Paid sick, maternity and parenting leave.

Applicants for the HRS must be able to demonstrate that their commitment to the peaceful advancement of respect for human rights extends beyond their academic studies (such as voluntary work and/or work experience).

Please note that the HRS does not cover international graduate research degree course fees.

Local graduate research degree HRS recipients are not charged course fees as they are allocated a Research Training Scheme (RTS) place. RTS places exempt students from the Higher Education Contribution (HECS) Scheme. Time limits and other conditions apply to RTS places. For further information please contact the Melbourne School of Graduate Research (PhD, MSc, MPhil, MIS and MOptom students) or your faculty office (all other students).

HRSs are not awarded to applicants who:

* cannot provide evidence that their demonstrated commitment to human rights extends beyond their academic studies
* have already completed a course deemed to be at the same, or higher, level for which they are seeking scholarship support
* as a result of previous candidature and/or prior scholarship, have a maximum tenure of less than 12 months
* have previously received an MRS, FMS or PES, or
* have already been awarded or later receive another equivalent award, scholarship or salary for the studies for which they seek a HRS. An “equivalent” award is regarded as one greater than 75% of the base HRS rate (75% of the base 2010 HRS rate = $19,500).
Eligibility criteria

A high H2A (ie. 78-79% and above) is the minimum grade average usually required to be competitive for an HRS.
 Applicants must have applied for, or be currently enrolled in, a graduate research degree in the human rights field at the University of Melbourne.

 Applicants seeking a HRS to undertake a graduate research degree must normally meet the academic requirements that apply to the Australian Postgraduate Award (APA) or Melbourne Research Scholarship (MRS). Click here for further details about APA/MRS Eligibility.
 International students must have an unconditional course offer at the University of Melbourne for the course for which they seek the support of a HRS. See below for local and international HRS application procedures.

Aug 17, 2010

Fellowships, Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health, UK

 The Visiting Fellowships were established in 1983 to enable Paediatricians from abroad to visit the UK. The Fellowships allow an attachment to a paediatric department for three weeks, and attendance at the RCPCH Annual Conference.  Members of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health are encouraged to stimulate applications from eligible candidates and to assist by arranging a clinical attachment where this is appropriate. Applications will be considered by a committee of the Academic Board in October 2010 for the Visiting Fellowships to be awarded in 2011.

 The Visiting Fellowships are awarded to enable paediatricians from abroad who need financial assistance, to spend up to four weeks in the United Kingdom, in order to attend the RCPCH Annual Conference (which is usually held in April) and to make visits to a centre in the UK. In 2011, the RCPCH Annual Conference will be held at the University of Warwick, 5-7 April.

 Fellows will be required to submit a report on their study programme to the Academic Board within one month of the end of the Fellowship.
 The successful applicants will usually be paediatricians who have reached the equivalent of a consultant post, but will be in the early to mid years of their career.
 Applicants should include, within the space provided on the application form, a concise summary of their interests and needs, and indicate the way in which the Fellowship will be helpful when they return home.
 Priority will generally be given to applicants who are not otherwise likely to be able to visit the United Kingdom.
More information : 
Application Deadline: Applications for Visiting Fellowships in 2011 must be received in the College office by 5pm, 30 September 2010.
All travel expenses to the UK at the most economical rate, registration and accommodation at the RCPCH Annual Conference will be covered by the Visiting Fellowship. Reasonable expenses incurred in visiting other centres will also be covered. However, the Fellowship does not cover the expenses of any accompanying person(s).

Aug 14, 2010

International Scholarship, University of Waikato, New Zealand

The Bren Low Memorial Scholarship was established in 1993 by the Bren Low Memorial Trust. It is open to Bachelor of Communication Studies (BCS) students in their second year who are intending to enrol in the third year of their BCS in 2011, or those in their third year who are intending to enrol in the BCS Honours year, and Bachelor of Management Studies (BMS) students in their third year who are intending to enrol in the fourth year of their BMS in 2011, or those in their fourth year who are intending to enrol in the BMS Honours year.

Application Deadline 20August2010

The application letter, CV, and essay will be assessed in terms of: The quality of the arguments, creativity, and insight demonstrated in the essay The candidate’s demonstrated record in using communication to contribute to the well-being of organisations and/or communities, including evidence in support The quality of presentation of all materials.

1.The purpose of the award is to encourage students to study in the area of public relations.

2. The Bren Low Memorial Scholarship is open to BCS and BMS students who: Are enrolling in a full-time programme in their final year of study towards the Bachelor of Communication Studies or the Bachelor of Management Studies in the next academic year (confirmation of enrolment will need to be supplied by the Academic Services Division.

before the scholarship payment is made) Are majoring in Public Relations or Management Communications Have excellent written and verbal communication skills Have shown good overall academic performance Are enrolled in, or have completed, at least two of the following papers: MCOM231, MCOM233, MCOM235, MCOM292, MCOM332, MCOM333 or MCOM392.

3. The Bren Low Memorial Scholarship will be awarded by the Council of the University on the recommendation of a Selection Committee which shall include the Trustees of the Bren Low Memorial Trust, the Associate Dean Undergraduate, and the Chairperson of the Management Communication Department, or their nominees.

application is available at :
4. Applicants should submit an application letter, curriculum vitae, and a 300-word essay.

Aug 12, 2010

Master in Sustainable Regional Health Systems for International Students

The European Master in Sustainable Regional Health Systems is a two years long interdisciplinary programme of 120 ECTS that aims to give vision, knowledge and tools to develop and manage coherent health systems that contribute both to health and sustainable regional development in their regional communities.

Admission may be granted to applicants who meet the following common admission criteria:

* A university degree in Sociology, Psychology, Law, Political Science, Anthropology, History, Medicine, Social Work, Social Education, Nursing, Public Health etc, that they want to specialize in the scope of the health.
Candidates are required to have a recognized qualification in the language of instruction of the university that they plan to attend. Knowledge of languages of the place of study is an asset.
A sufficient score of one of the following English language certificates (TOEFL, First Certificate, IELTS).
*Statement of intent. Applicants must submit a statement of intent indicating why the Master’s is relevant for future carrier.
Please note, that application becomes property of the Secretariat of Programme. Therefore no original official documents should be sent. Upon admission to the programme, legalized copies of diplomas, language tests and certificates will be required.

It aims to fill the gap in Health Management by approaching the theme of health system management and planning on a regional level.

Deadline: January 2011
Open to: Non-EU students with an University degree in a relevant field
Scholarship: 12000 + monthly allowance

This Master promotes the benchmarking of the different health system models helping to construct the comprehensive health system management and planning, including both, health care and promotion, as well as the interrelation between health and socio-economic areas. It aims to spread out the European model of health promotion and health planning, sustainability and the role of health system in social cohesion and strengthening of social capital.

At the end of the Masters Course the students will graduate with Joint Master’s degree awarded by all Consortium universities and can work as middle and upper level managers in hospitals and health services as well as in regional and national administrative bodies related to public health planning and management in diverse sectors: health insurance, health financing, strategic planning, etc.

If you are a non-EU student (Category A):
* Contribution to travel, installation and any other type of costs: € 8000
* Maximum contribution to the EMMC participation costs (including insurance coverage):
€ 4000 / semester
* Monthly allowance: € 1000 / month

If you are an EU student inside the EU (Category B):
Deadline is already over.

Application should be posted to:
European Master in Sustainable
Regional Health Systems
Institute of Public Health
Faculty of Medicine
Vilnius university
Ciurlionio str.21
LT-03101 Vilnius

For applicants who seek and are eligible for Erasmus Mundus “Category A” scholarships, and self-financing students application is open since 1st of July and will be closed in 2011 January.

Step 1 Fill in on-line application form and after submitting, please, print it and sign.          Step 2 Your application should consist of the following documents:

   1. A complete and signed standard application form
   2. A copy of the passport or other official identification proof
   3. Sertified copies of diplomas and translation in English. (If legalized copies of diplomas are not available at the time of application, an original statement from your current university about the studies done and studies currently being done must be provided)
   4. Copies of diploma supplements stating courses followed and scores obtained per course and translation in English
   5. Copies of language tests scores and language certificates (TOEFL/IELTS, etc.)
   6. Letter of motivation
   7. 2 reference letters
   8. Academic and professional CV

Aug 10, 2010

USA Engineering Education Research -Graduate Opportunity

We offer an opportunity for a motivated graduate student to join our team and develop a dissertation project within the context of a larger, funded research project.

The graduate program in the Faculty of Engineering is new and its upcoming PhD in Engineering will offer flexibility that no other program in the country provides. We will develop your program based on your individual interests and needs. This means that we can make full use of the interdisciplinary breadth of UGA’s Faculty of Engineering (with members from education, social sciences and art) in assembling your committee and choosing your course work.

Possible thesis topic: Synergistic learning for complex engineering futures

This graduate research opportunity is part of an NSF-funded project that aims at building a fundamental theory of synergistic learning in engineering while pushing the boundaries of integrative pedagogies through an interdisciplinary Synthesis and Design Studio.

The objective of this dissertation is to research synergistic learning in the context of the Studio and develop a fundamental understanding of the influences, mechanisms and outcomes of such learning processes.

According to their interest, students will develop a particular lens of inquiry (e.g. interdisciplinarity, identity formation, creativity) to guide their research effort.
 Contact address : Joachim Walther,
Driftmier Engineering Center
University of Georgia
Athens, GA, USA

Future engineering work will be complex with novel challenges that concern aspects of sustainability as well as social and ethical aspects of engineering work. To better prepare students to face these socio-technical problems we must move beyond fragmented approaches to engineering education towards holistic conceptions of integrated engineering learning. While there are a range of approaches that address the integration of engineering curricula (e.g. capstone design or freshmen engineering programs) we know relatively little about the ways in which students make connections between disparate aspects of their learning – we call this synergistic learning.
Closing Date: Contact Employer (Joachim Walther)

Aug 8, 2010

Scholarship by University of East Anglia, Uk

Scholarship by University of East Anglia, Uk - Students wishing to study music must provide evidence of musical ability, normally having achieved a good mark in grade VIII practical examination of the Associated Board or equivalent.Applicants from non-EU countries are invited to apply for these scholarships. 

They need to have completed 12 years of schooling (or the local equivalent to meet the same standard) with good grades, or show strong evidence of the ability to successfully complete the programme and progress to their chosen degree course.

Students applying for these scholarships must also have an English language level of IELTS 6.0 overall with a minimum of 5.5 in each component or equivalent. Scholarships will be awarded on academic merit and the quality of the Scholarship statement. Please note that sponsored students are not eligible to apply.

Successful applicants will receive a scholarship worth £5250.00 which will be deducted from their INTO Foundation programme tuition fees.
Upon successful completion (and subject to achieving specified grades for entry), students entering University of East Anglia will receive a further £5250.00, which will be deducted from the University’s Year 1 tuition fees.
Application Deadline The deadline is Friday 13th August 2010. Successful students who have submitted a completed application package by this date will be notified by Friday 27th August 2010

Value of award
Applicants should remember to clearly state which pathway they are applying for. They should then submit their completed application form, along with their academic transcripts and evidence of their current English language level.
Successful scholarship applicants who have paid their full tuition fees 4 weeks prior to the course beginning will receive a scholarship of 50% of the Foundation tuition fees received. The same amount will be discounted from the first year of their undergraduate degree course at University of East Anglia.

Application procedures
Applicants must first complete an INTO University of East Anglia application form. Under Section 7 of the form applicants must tick sponsor and then under the following heading Name of employee/sponsor, applicants must write the following: ‘INTO/University Scholarship 50% off Foundation tuition fees. Complete a University of East Anglia Foundation Scholarship application form including a personal statement explaining why you want to study at University of East Anglia and how the degree programme will help you in the future. The statement must be hand-written in English and be no more than 200 words.

Aug 5, 2010

American Bosch Foundation Fellowship Program 2010

Application Deadline
October 15, 2010 for the 2011–2012 program year.

The Robert Bosch Foundation Fellowship Program is a distinguished transatlantic initiative that each year offers twenty accomplished young Students the opportunity to complete a high-level professional development program in Germany. 

Over the course of a nine-month program, Bosch Fellows complete two work phases at leading German institutions, both customized to each fellow’s professional expertise, and attend three seminars with key decision-makers from the public and private sectors, taking place across Europe.

Fellows are recruited from business administration, journalism, law, public policy and closely related fields. No German language skills are required at the time of application.

The program is fully funded by Robert Bosch Stiftung, one of the largest foundations in Germany, with the goal of creating a new generation of American leaders who have firsthand experience in the political, economic and cultural environment of Germany and the E.U.

Program Highlights
* Membership in active Robert Bosch Foundation Fellowship Alumni Association with over 400 members
* Two high-level work phases at leading institutions in Germany, customized to the Fellow’s interests. Past host institutions have included federal and local government, private corporations, media outlets, and NGOs.
* Transatlantic flight and seminar travel throughout Europe
* Three seminars across Europe, each lasting several weeks and covering issues of German, European and transatlantic concern.
* Financial support for an accompanying spouse and children, including 50% of travel costs, supplemental living stipend, health insurance, and limited funding for language training
* Monthly stipend of EUR 2,000 (tax-free in Germany) for the duration of the program, September through May
* Health, accident, and liability insurance
*  no German language skills are required at time of application
Bouch foundation website :

Aug 1, 2010

Scholarship by USA Alpha Foundation

Scholarship by USA Alpha  Foundation :
-You must be at least a sophomore to apply.
-Applicants must be a full time student and a member of Alpha Gamma Delta in good standing to:

receive a scholarship in the upcoming fall term.
- Please do not reproduce this application on a computer. Complete this form or a photocopy.
- No double-sided copies or staples please.
- Incomplete or late applications will not be considered.

A complete application consists of:

A four-page application form
Applications are to be typed or printed in black ink.
(Note: Signatures on pages 2 and 4 are required for a complete application.)

- An original transcript of grades from your university
Photocopies of transcripts or transcripts downloaded from the internet are NOT acceptable unless they bear an original stamp or seal from your university’s registrar’s office.
- One completed recommendation form from a member of Alpha Gamma Delta
This recommendation should be from an advisor, if applicant is a collegian.
- Two completed recommendation forms from non-members Professors or employers may write non-member letters.

Complete the form by following the directions on the instructions page. Use the instructions page as a checklist since applications will not be considered unless complete and postmarked by March 1, 2011.

Mail to: Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation, 3905 Vincennes Road, Suite 105, Indianapolis, Indiana 46268.

It is highly recommended that you mail all parts of the application in one envelope. This helps prevent delays or mistakes. If the university or an individual completing a recommendation form prefers to send information directly to the Foundation office, they may do so. 

Don’t assume it has been done! To prevent misunderstandings, check with your college or university and the individuals writing recommendations well ahead of the deadline to be sure all parts of your application have been mailed on time.
The selection of scholarship recipients is a lengthy process.

application :

All applicants will be notified via mail by mid July of their application status. Notification will be sent to the permanent address you list on your scholarship application.

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